Ful­ton Coun­ty May­hem: Rapper’s Attor­ney Held In Con­tempt, Ordered To Jail After Refus­ing To Reveal Source To Judge

Fulton County Mayhem: Rapper’s Attorney Held In Contempt, Ordered To Jail After Refusing To Reveal Source To Judge

The defense attor­ney for rap­per Young Thug was held in con­tempt of court and arrest­ed in Ful­ton Coun­ty, Geor­gia, on Mon­day after he refused to reveal infor­ma­tion he obtained about an ex parte meet­ing held in the judge’s cham­bers between the pros­e­cu­tion and a key wit­ness.
Attor­ney Bri­an Steel got into a heat­ed exchange with Judge Ural Glanville after Steel revealed infor­ma­tion about a pri­vate meet­ing between the judge, the state, and a key wit­ness, 11 Alive repo …