Neva­da Sen­ate can­di­date lash­es out after Trump snub in favor of Sam Brown

Nevada Senate candidate lashes out after Trump snub in favor of Sam Brown

Repub­li­can busi­ness­man Jeff Gunter retort­ed against mem­bers of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s orbit after being snubbed in the Neva­da Sen­ate pri­ma­ry in favor of Army vet­er­an Sam Brown.
Brown, a Pur­ple Heart awardee, has the back­ing of the Nation­al Repub­li­can Sen­a­to­r­i­al Com­mit­tee. NRSC Chair­man Steve Adams and oth­er par­ty offi­cials report­ed­ly pres­sured Trump to endorse Brown over the seem­ing­ly less-elec­table Gunter. The for­mer pres­i­dent final­ly agreed Sun­day, endors­ing Brown in a Truth Social post.

Gunter’s fury began soon after the endorse­ment, with Trump’s for­mer ambas­sador to Ice­land alleg­ing foul play by Trump’s advis­ers. His direct show of oppo­si­tion against Trump’s team is almost unheard of for Trump-aligned Repub­li­cans.
In an X post after the endorse­ment, Gunter revealed the alleged “inside base­ball” that led to Brown’s endorse­ment. He claimed Trump refrained from endors­ing Brown at his Las Vegas …