Biden reaf­firms ‘com­mit­ment’ to pro­tect abor­tion rights after Supreme Court toss­es case

Biden reaffirms ‘commitment’ to protect abortion rights after Supreme Court tosses case

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden cel­e­brat­ed the Supreme Court‘s deci­sion to throw out a chal­lenge of the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abor­tion pill, mifepri­s­tone, Thurs­day, dou­bling down on the “com­mit­ment” to pro­tect repro­duc­tive rights.
The Supreme Court ruled Thurs­day that plain­tiffs lacked stand­ing to advance the chal­lenge, leav­ing mifepri­s­tone avail­able to be pre­scribed online or in per­son and shipped through the mail. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion recent­ly expand­ed access to the drug to make it eas­i­er for women to obtain it fol­low­ing the 2022 Dobbs v. Jack­son Women’s Health rul­ing and sub­se­quent state abor­tion bans.
“Today’s deci­sion does not change the fact that the fight for repro­duc­tive free­dom con­tin­ues. It does not change the fact that the Supreme Court over­turned Roe v. Wade two years ago, and women lost a fun­da­men­tal free­dom. It does not change the fact that the right for a woman to get the treat­ment she needs is imper­iled if not impos­si­ble in many states,” Biden wro …