Char­la­m­agne tha God says Democ­rats lack authen­tic­i­ty and need to talk ‘like real peo­ple’

Charlamagne tha God says Democrats lack authenticity and need to talk ‘like real people’

Radio host Char­la­m­agne tha God crit­i­cized how Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers moti­vate their sup­port­ers in speech­es, argu­ing that no one wants to hear “the nor­mal, polit­i­cal voice any­more.”
The Break­fast Club host, whose real name is Lenard Lar­ry McK­elvey, dis­cussed how mes­sag­ing is the biggest prob­lem the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty faces ahead of the 2024 elec­tions. To prove his point, he said that talk­ing about abor­tion access ought to be a win­ning strat­e­gy for the par­ty but that Democ­rats are not show­ing how seri­ous they are about it dur­ing speech­es, show­ing clips of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and oth­er Democ­rats talk­ing slow­ly and calm­ly about the impor­tance of birth con­trol. 
“Bro! Why is this sen­tence tak­ing you 49 years to say?!” Char­la­m­agne said on Com­e­dy Central’s The Dai­ly Show. “How about try this instead? …