Marine Le Pen After Her Party’s Ring­ing Vic­to­ry: ‘Bi-Nation­als Con­nect­ed To Islamist Ide­ol­o­gy Must Be Stripped Of Their Nation­al­i­ty And Expelled’

Marine Le Pen After Her Party’s Ringing Victory: ‘Bi-Nationals Connected To Islamist Ideology Must Be Stripped Of Their Nationality And Expelled’

French Nation­al Ral­ly Par­ty leader Marine Le Pen gave her first speech since her par­ty trounced French Pres­i­dent Emanuel Macron’s par­ty in the French EU Par­lia­ment elec­tions, declar­ing to thun­der­ous applause that “bi-nation­als con­nect­ed to Islamist ide­ol­o­gy must be stripped of their nation­al­i­ty and expelled.”
Last week, the Nation­al Ral­ly par­ty won 31.4% of the vote in the EU Par­lia­ment elec­tions; Macron’s Renais­sance Par­ty coali­tion only gar­nered 14.6%, with Eric Ciotti’s Repub­li­cans receiv­ing 7.25%. Ciot­ti then endorsed an alliance with the Nation­al Ral­ly par­ty, whose 28-year- …