Lar­ry Hogan oppo­nent seizes on Trump endorse­ment in Mary­land Sen­ate race

Larry Hogan opponent seizes on Trump endorsement in Maryland Senate race

LANHAM, Mary­land — Demo­c­rat Angela Also­brooks is urg­ing vot­ers to reject for­mer Gov. Lar­ry Hogan, her Repub­li­can oppo­nent in Maryland’s Sen­ate race, by cit­ing the sur­prise endorse­ment he received from for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on Thurs­day.
“[The GOP] is, in this moment, led by Don­ald Trump, and we are grave­ly con­cerned because we know that Lar­ry Hogan will be vot­ing to empow­er these [Sen­ate] com­mit­tee chairs that will turn Amer­i­ca back­wards,” Also­brooks, the exec­u­tive of Prince George’s Coun­ty, told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er on Fri­day.
Hogan is rely­ing on the cen­trist image he devel­oped as a pop­u­lar two-term gov­er­nor of deep-blue Mary­land, a rep­u­ta­tion he built, in part, by his crit­i­cism of Trump. Most recent­ly, he earned the ire of Trump­world for call­ing on vot­ers to respect the ver­dict as the for­mer pres­i­dent was found guilty of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records …