Reid Flips Out Over Sin­clair Bust­ing Lib­er­al Influ­ence in Local News

Joy Reid host­ed a pan­el of clowns on Wednesday’s episode of MSNBC’s The Rei­d­Out to denounce local news sta­tions ques­tion­ing Pres­i­dent Biden’s men­tal acu­ity. The pan­el of left­ies con­demned the Sin­clair Broad­cast Group for broad­cast­ing a Wall Street Jour­nal (WSJ) report on the president’s age as it affects the elec­tion. They also por­trayed the group as an insid­i­ous pro­mot­er of pro­pa­gan­da intend­ing to deceive unsus­pect­ing voters.Turning to for­mer CNN host turned Van­i­ty Fair spe­cial cor­re­spon­dent Bri­an Stel­ter, Reid dis­played the dif …