Biden fam­i­ly and staff are at each other’s throats in the White House: Report

Biden family and staff are at each other’s throats in the White House: Report

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s poor show­ing at the first pres­i­den­tial debate has ignit­ed ten­sions between the president‘s rel­a­tives and his staff, Biden aides claimed on Sat­ur­day.
Thir­teen sources famil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion told NBC News that Biden’s debate per­for­mance exac­er­bat­ed long-stand­ing hos­til­i­ties between his fam­i­ly and staff, with all par­ties point­ing fin­gers in dif­fer­ent direc­tions.
“I believe the fam­i­ly has wit­nessed blun­der after blun­der by key staff per­son­nel, and the debate is like­ly the straw that broke the camel’s back,” one source said.
Blame game
Biden’s staff mem­bers blamed the pres­i­dent for his debate per­for­mance, which agi­tat­ed the first fam­i­ly, accord­ing to the source.
“Post-debate, the sup­posed loy­al staff, instead of tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty, point­ed the fin­ger back at the pres­i­dent and said: ‘His fault,’” the source revealed. “I can think of no oth­er sin­gu­lar action that would agi­tate the Biden fam­i­ly more.”
Biden …