Biden trend­ing up in swing states despite weak debate per­for­mance: Poll

Biden trending up in swing states despite weak debate performance: Poll

A new poll shows Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has closed gaps in sev­er­al bat­tle­ground states in the days after his first debate against pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump, which has prompt­ed many to express con­cern about his men­tal fit­ness to serve anoth­er term in the White House.
A Bloomberg News/Morning Con­sult poll released Sat­ur­day showed Biden trail­ing Trump 47%-45% in the sev­en states that will most like­ly deter­mine the win­ner of the Nov. 5 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. It marks the sec­ond straight month of down­ward momen­tum for the for­mer pres­i­dent, who peaked at 49% to the incumbent’s 43% in Bloomberg’s April 24 poll.
The most recent poll, con­duct­ed between Mon­day and Fri­day, showed Biden lead­ing Trump 47%-44% in Wis­con­sin, mark­ing his first advan­tage in that state since March. In Michi­gan, the incum­bent widened his lead to 5 per­cent­age poin …