Hamas clears way for pos­si­ble cease­fire in Gaza after drop­ping key demand

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza (AP) — Hamas has giv­en its ini­tial approval of a U.S.-backed pro­pos­al for a phased cease-fire deal in Gaza, drop­ping a key demand that Israel com­mit up front to a com­plete end to the war, a Hamas offi­cial and an Egypt­ian offi­cial said Sat­ur­day.
The appar­ent com­pro­mise by the mil­i­tant group, which con­trolled Gaza before trig­ger­ing the war with an Oct. 7 attack on Israel, could deliv­er the first pause in fight­ing since Novem­ber and set the stage for fur­ther talks on end­ing a dev­as­tat­ing nine months of fight­ing. But all sides cau­tioned that a deal is still not guar­an­teed.
Inside Gaza, the Health Min­istry said an Israeli airstrike on a school-turned-shel­ter killed at least 16 peo­ple and wound­ed at least …