Media Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’

Media Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’

Lefty jour­nal­ists and celebri­ties all freaked out after the Supreme Court’s Don­ald Trump immu­ni­ty rul­ing. 
MSNBC’s Joy Reid warned that if Trump won, the Supreme Court would let him rule as “King.” CNN’s Van Jones feared that the Court issued Trump a “license to thug.”
The Hol­ly­wood Elite went nuts too. Actress and come­di­an Lea DeLar­ia lined her­self up for a Secret Ser­vice vis­it because she actu­al­ly threat­ened Trump’s life. The Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black cast mem­ber urged Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to use the high court rul­ing “to ta …