Penn­syl­va­nia pres­i­den­tial ad spend­ing may break records

Pennsylvania presidential ad spending may break records

(The Cen­ter Square) — Polit­i­cal adver­tis­ing in Penn­syl­va­nia for the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion is pre­dict­ed to reach $360 mil­lion, the high­est lev­el in the nation.
Over­all spend­ing, includ­ing down-bal­lot races, is pro­ject­ed to be $800 mil­lion, the 3rd-high­est in the nation.
This is accord­ing to The Polit­i­cal Pro­jec­tions Report, which was released on Mon­day by adver­tise­ment track­ing com­pa­ny AdIm­pact.
Swing states like Geor­gia, Penn­syl­va­nia and North Car­oli­na will play espe­cial­ly crit­i­cal roles in the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, the report found.
“With spend­ing cen­tral­ized in a hand­ful of swing states that will ulti­mate­ly decide the elec­tion, we expect the gen­er­al to see $2.16B, a 17% increase over 2020.”
Penn­syl­va­nia will also like­ly see record lev­els of spend­ing on both Sen­ate and down-bal­lot races as well.
“With Democ­rats on the defen­sive this fall, spend­ing will over­whelm­ing­ly occur in sev­er­al key bat­tle­ground states: Ari­zona, Ohio, Penn­syl­va­nia, Neva­da, Mary­land, Michi­gan, and Wis­con­sin,” the …