Sec­ond round of French Assem­bly elec­tions: What to know

Second round of French Assembly elections: What to know

Vot­ers in France will head to the polls for a sec­ond round of vot­ing to deter­mine the course of the country’s future — or at least the make­up of its Nation­al Assem­bly.
The hard right in the coun­try saw vic­to­ries in the first round of vot­ing, after a dom­i­nant vic­to­ry in Euro­pean Par­lia­ment elec­tions in the coun­try last month, but recent actions from some coali­tions are seek­ing to stop the Nation­al Rally’s momen­tum. Here is what to know about the high stakes elec­tion in France that could move the coun­try right­ward polit­i­cal­ly — days after a piv­otal elec­tion in the Unit­ed King­dom moved the coun­try to the left.
When is the elec­tion?
The first round of the French par­lia­men­tary elec­tions was held on June 30, with the sec­ond — and final — round bein …