Tax­pay­er-Fund­ed MSNBC? PBS Anchor Amna Nawaz Rips Trump as Lying Tyrant

Taxpayer-Funded MSNBC? PBS Anchor Amna Nawaz Rips Trump as Lying Tyrant

The PBS News Hour crew is clear­ly heart­sick that the Democ­rats are in a cri­sis over Joe Biden’s men­tal decline, and they know their lib­er­al audi­ence wants to change the sub­ject back to Hor­ri­ble Trump. Sound­ing like a tax­pay­er-fund­ed MSNBC host, PBS anchor Amna Nawaz described the for­mer pres­i­dent as an author­i­tar­i­an full of lies in the Fri­day pun­dit round­table with lib­er­al David Brooks and more lib­er­al Kim­ber­ly Atkins Stohr.
Can any­one imag­ine how Nawaz might explode in rage if any­one actu­al­ly was allowed to voice a Repub­li­can view on PBS? Mock Democ­rats for not being demo­c­ra­t­ic? For being incom­pe­tent at gov­ern­ing? After a few min­utes of talk­ing about the Biden cri­sis, Nawaz uncorked it:

NAWAZ: Biden back­ers have told me, look, they’re wor­ried that the focus on this con­ver­sa­tion takes the focus off of Trump, who is an anti­de­mo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date with author­i­tar­i­an tend …