Top Demo­c­rat Megadonor Ral­lies Behind Biden: ‘I Con­tin­ue To Sup­port Pres­i­dent Biden’s Re-Elec­tion Effort’

Top Democrat Megadonor Rallies Behind Biden: ‘I Continue To Support President Biden’s Re-Election Effort’

A top Demo­c­rat megadonor said on Fri­day that she is con­tin­u­ing to back Pres­i­dent Joe Biden amid calls by some in the par­ty to have him removed from the top of the tick­et.
Bil­lion­aire real estate heiress Amy Gold­man Fowler, who is one of the party’s largest donors, told The New York Times: “I con­tin­ue to sup­port Pres­i­dent Biden’s re-elec­tion effort and I am mak­ing my max­i­mum con­tri­bu­tion to his cam­paign today.”
Gold­man Fowler has giv­en $27 mil­lion to Democ­rats over the course of her life and said she plans …