Who’s who in Britain’s new Labour gov­ern­ment led by Keir Starmer

Who’s who in Britain’s new Labour government led by Keir Starmer

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s new Prime Min­is­ter Keir Starmer has appoint­ed a Cab­i­net of Labour Par­ty law­mak­ers and a few out­side experts as he tries to tack­le pri­or­i­ties includ­ing boost­ing a slug­gish econ­o­my, build­ing more homes, and fix­ing the creak­ing state-fund­ed health ser­vice. Labour has spent 14 years in oppo­si­tion, so few have held gov­ern­ment office before.
Here’s who is in the new gov­ern­ment:
Prime Min­is­ter: Keir Starmer
Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Lev­el­ling Up Sec­re­tary: Angela Rayn­er
Chan­cel­lor of the Exche­quer (Finance Min­is­ter): Rachel Reeves
Chan­cel­lor of the Duchy of Lan­cast­er (a senior min­is­ter with broad respon­si­bil­i­ties): Pat McFad­den
For­eign Sec­re­tary: David Lam­my
Home Sec­re­tary: Yvette Coop­er
Defense Sec­re­tary: John Healey
Jus­tice Sec­re­tary: Sha­bana Mah­mood
Health Sec­re­tary: Wes Street­ing
Edu­ca­tion Sec­re­tary: Brid­get Phillip­son
Ener­gy Secu­ri­ty and Net Zero Sec­re­tary: Ed Miliband
Work and Pen­sions Sec­re­tary: Liz Kendall
Busi­ness and Trade Sec­re­tary J …