CNN Com­men­ta­tor Scott Jen­nings: Biden Admit­ted His Campaign’s Democ­ra­cy Pitch Is A ‘Facade’

CNN Commentator Scott Jennings: Biden Admitted His Campaign’s Democracy Pitch Is A ‘Facade’

CNN pun­dit Scott Jen­nings argued on Sun­day that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden con­ced­ed that his cam­paign mes­sage about sav­ing democ­ra­cy is noth­ing but a “facade.”
Dur­ing a dis­cus­sion on “State of the Union,” in which Jen­nings appeared with oth­er pan­elists, the GOP strate­gist allud­ed to Biden’s inter­view on Fri­day after his poor debate per­for­mance against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump fueled con­cerns among sup­port­ers and oth­ers about his fit­ness to run and serve a sec­ond term.
In a clip that aired ear­li­er in the seg­ment, ABC News anchor George Stephanopou­los asked, “If you stay in and Trump is elect­ed and every­thing you’re warn­ing about comes to pass, how will you feel in Jan­u­ary?” Biden, in response, said “as long as I gave it my all” that is “what this is about.”

Scott Jen­nings: Biden Refut­ed The Entire The­sis Of His Cam­paign On Friday
“The entire the­sis of the cam­paign was ‘democ­ra­cy’ is on the bal­lot… And I heard Joe Biden admit that it’ …