How Demo­c­ra­t­ic king­mak­er Clyburn has select­ed his mes­sages of sup­port for Biden

How Democratic kingmaker Clyburn has selected his messages of support for Biden

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D‑SC) was Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s key to win­ning the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion in 2020, but as the pres­i­dent has faced mount­ing calls to step aside from the 2024 cam­paign, the influ­en­tial South Car­oli­na Demo­c­rat has offered a vari­ety of state­ments.
Clyburn was sched­uled to appear on CBS News’s Face the Nation on Sun­day, but his staff informed the show on Fri­day that he would have to can­cel his appear­ance, accord­ing to the net­work. The appear­ance would have capped off a week of state­ments from the long­time con­gress­man about the future of Biden’s can­di­da­cy that cre­at­ed head­lines.
Here is how Clyburn’s sup­port for Biden has …