Grow­ing num­ber of retail­ers remove self-check­out lanes

Growing number of retailers remove self-checkout lanes

A grow­ing num­ber of retail­ers are recon­sid­er­ing their reliance on self-check­out lanes in an effort to clamp down on the shrink­age and theft of their mer­chan­dise.
Among those rework­ing its use of self-check­out lanes are bar­gain retail­ers Dol­lar Gen­er­al and Five Below, the for­mer of which removed this option at 12,000 of its loca­tions. Five Below, mean­while, has stat­ed that it is remov­ing the self-check­out option at its “high­est risk loca­tions.”

FILE- In this Aug. 3, 2017, file pho­to the Dol­lar Gen­er­al store is pic­tured in Luther, Okla­homa. (AP Photo/Sue Ogroc­ki, File)

Tar­get has also been reeval­u­at­ing its self-check­out lanes, as it announced in March that most of its stores nation­wide would only allow cus­tomers to use self-check­out when buy­ing 10 items or less. These lanes could also be closed entire­ly depend­ing on the time of day and how many cus­tomers are shop­ping.
A study from last year found that 69% of respon­dents believe that self-check­out lanes are a con­tribut­ing fac­tor to shoplift­ing at stores. 15% of respon­dents also admit­ted to steal­ing items via self-check­out, with 44% of these respon­dents say­ing they were like­ly to use this method to steal in the future.
Man­age­ment for Cost­co, which revealed last year that it was adding more staff to self-check­out lanes to pre­vent theft, stat­ed that its shrink in mer­chan­dise had increased, at least in part, “due to the roll­out of self-check­out.”
Gro­cery retail­er Safe­way revealed ear­li­er this month that it was also remov­ing its self-check­out lanes in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area in Cal­i­for­nia, cit­ing the need to cre­ate a safe envi­ron­ment for both its employ­ees and cus­tomers. One of the chain’s loca­tions in Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, had already removed these lanes and replaced them with a dis­play of soda cans.
Stores in the Unit­ed States and Europe using self-check­out lanes and apps have had a loss rate of about 4%, accord­ing to a study.