Mar­co Rubio Bat­tles Dana ‘No Evi­dence’ Bash On CNN — And Wins!

<div>Marco Rubio Battles Dana 'No Evidence' Bash On CNN -- And Wins!</div>

On Sun­day’s CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Mar­co Rubio, tipped as one of Don­ald Trump’s pos­si­ble VP choic­es, bat­tled host Dana Bash. Rubio came out on top on every­thing from abor­tion, to the SCOTUS rul­ing on pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty, Trump’s “revenge,” Project 2025, Biden’s dis­as­trous record, and spec­u­la­tion about Trump’s VP pick. Rubio agile­ly bat­ted away Bash’s chal­lenges, and also flashed a relaxed sense of humor, get­ting in a num­ber of zingers. Abor­tion: When Bash sug­gest­ed that remov­ing the plank from the Repub­li­can plat­form call­ing for a nation­al abor­tion ban, as Trump has pro­posed, could cost him with anti-abor­tion grass­roots vot­ers, Rubio point­ed out that there is only one pro-life can­di­date in the race–Donald Trump. Rubio also scored by point­ing out that it’s the …