New York Times Hails Kamala as Biden Replace­ment, Throws In Anti-Israel Nut­ti­ness

New York Times Hails Kamala as Biden Replacement, Throws In Anti-Israel Nuttiness

The New York Times issued a 2,200-word Sun­day front-page encomi­um by White House cor­re­spon­dent Eri­ca L. Green, in sup­port of strug­gling Pres­i­dent Biden’s sud­den­ly sig­nif­i­cant sec­ond-in-com­mand: “Kamala Har­ris Has Stepped Up. If Biden Fal­ters, Can She Lead?”  The print edi­tion head­line was less fiery: “Har­ris Emerges From Side­lines As Democ­rats Rethink the Tick­et.”
Green tried to make the case that Har­ris, a word-sal­ad gaffe machine and fig­ure of mock­ery on the right, is ready to take over the lead­er­ship of the free world from Biden. Appar­ent­ly she has already pre­pared for the moment.

By ear­ly this year, around the time a pros­e­cu­tor called Pres­i­dent Biden a “well-mean­ing, elder­ly man with a poor mem­o­ry,” Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris already knew some­thing had to change.
It was up to her, she had told allies, to final­ly dis­tin­guish her­self in her job — some­thing she had been strug­gling to do for more than two years — and reas­sure Am …