Schiff warns Biden needs to break out of his bub­ble if he wants to win

Schiff warns Biden needs to break out of his bubble if he wants to win

Rep. Adam Schiff (D‑CA) is advis­ing that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden seek guid­ance from out­side his inner cir­cle on whether to remain in the pres­i­den­tial race against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Schiff would not say whether Biden should step aside — leav­ing it to the pres­i­dent — but did express his con­cern about Biden’s dis­as­trous debate per­for­mance last month and the fall­out, while on NBC News’s Meet the Press on Sun­day.

“What I would advise the pres­i­dent is seek out the opin­ions of peo­ple you trust,” Schiff said. “He’s obvi­ous­ly talked to his fam­i­ly about this, and that’s impor­tant, but he should seek out peo­ple with some dis­tance and objec­tiv­i­ty.”
“He should seek out poll­sters who are not his own poll­sters. He should take a m …