Biden Speak­ing Errors Dou­bled In Last Year, Analy­sis Of Offi­cial Tran­script Cor­rec­tions Finds

Biden Speaking Errors Doubled In Last Year, Analysis Of Official Transcript Corrections Finds

The White House’s own offi­cial tran­scripts sug­gest that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s speak­ing errors have grown steadi­ly worse, with his rate of mis­steps dou­bling in the 12 months lead­ing up to his dis­as­trous debate per­for­mance in June.
White House staff tasked with prepar­ing tran­scripts of his “speech­es and remarks” cross out Biden’s erro­neous words — or insert the words he should have said using brack­ets. They had to do that a stag­ger­ing 51 times in May 2024. The rate of errors per words spo­ken was one of the worst of his pres­i­den­cy, and he was whisked out of the pub­lic eye for much of June, speak­ing only half the num­ber of words in offi­cial remarks than …