Democ­rats return to Capi­tol Hill for ‘vital week’ to decide Biden’s future

Democrats return to Capitol Hill for ‘vital week’ to decide Biden’s future

Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers will return to Wash­ing­ton, D.C., on Mon­day amid the con­tin­ued fall­out from Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s debate per­for­mance, which has prompt­ed some mem­bers of his own par­ty to urge him to with­draw from the race alto­geth­er. 
Democ­rats are in for what could be a con­tentious week as they dodge attacks from their Repub­li­can col­leagues regard­ing Biden’s age and men­tal acu­ity while also fac­ing intra­party dis­agree­ment about whether the pres­i­dent should step aside. A small but grow­ing list of Democ­rats have pub­licly called on Biden to with­draw, while oth­ers have said they don’t believe he’ll win in Novem­ber. 
Democ­rats view this week as a make-or-break moment for Biden, 81, to prove he’s up for the job after his unsteady debate per­for­mance against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump left the par­ty and the pub­lic ques­tion­ing his men­tal acu­ity. While a 22-minute sit-down with ABC’s George Stepha …