DOJ plots path for­ward after Supreme Court set­backs

DOJ plots path forward after Supreme Court setbacks

The Depart­ment of Jus­tice is show­ing signs of how it might attempt to over­come the fresh set of chal­lenges it is fac­ing in the wake of a recent Supreme Court deci­sion that favored dozens of Jan. 6 defen­dants, includ­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Over the past week, the DOJ began ask­ing judges in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., for one or two months of extra time to weigh the impact of Fis­ch­er v. Unit­ed States on some of its cas­es relat­ed to the 2021 breach.
In one case, Judge Dab­ney Friedrich ordered DOJ pros­e­cu­tors and defense attor­neys to make rec­om­men­da­tions for “fur­ther pro­ceed­ings” and a new sen­tenc­ing date “in light of Fis­ch­er” for defen­dant Ronald San­dlin.
On Fri­day, pros­e­cu­tors told Friedrich they need­ed 30 extra days to come up with their response, accord­ing to a court fil­ing.
San­dlin plead­ed guilty in 2022 to con­spir­ing to obstruct an offi­cial pro­ceed­ing, the charge at the cen­ter of Fis­ch­er. The Supreme Cou …