Fox Biz Anchor on Dev­as­tat­ing EV Study: Biden EV ‘Man­dates Are Based in Fan­ta­sy’

<div>Fox Biz Anchor on Devastating EV Study: Biden EV 'Mandates Are Based in Fantasy'</div>

Fox Busi­ness anchor David Asman went after Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s tyran­ni­cal elec­tric vehi­cle (EV) man­date, absolute­ly dev­as­tat­ing Pete “Racist Roads” Buttigieg, Biden’s smug and clue­less trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary. 
Dur­ing the July 5 edi­tion of Kud­low, Asman brought the receipts, show­ing that Amer­i­cans were refus­ing to be bribed or cajoled into aban­don­ing com­bus­tion vehi­cles. “The bot­tom line is — how­ev­er they think they can work it out — their man­dates are based on fan­ta­sy,” he said. 

Asman pro­vid­ed two key exam­ples of how “Amer­i­cans are slam­ming the brakes on the Democ­rats’ forced push for elec­tric vehi­cles.” First, the Fox Busi­ness anchor …