News­Busters Pod­cast: A Stephanopou­los Inter­view, or Inter­ven­tion?

NewsBusters Podcast: A Stephanopoulos Interview, or Intervention?

Did George Stephanopou­los do an inter­view with Joe Biden, or an inter­ven­tion? The New York Post said it was an inter­ven­tion. The New York Times hailed the ABC host “respect­ful­ly but firm­ly” chan­nel­ing the ques­tions of all Amer­i­cans. He did not. He was chan­nel­ing the pan­ic among Democ­rats.
Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum’s arti­cle was head­lined:  

For George Stephanopou­los, 22 Min­utes of Prob­ing the Per­son­al.
Respect­ful­ly but firm­ly, the ABC anchor pressed Pres­i­dent Biden on the basic ques­tions that Amer­i­cans had asked them­selves over the past week.

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