Philadel­phia radio host resigns after admit­ting she used campaign’s ques­tions in Biden inter­view

Philadelphia radio host resigns after admitting she used campaign’s questions in Biden interview

A Philadel­phia radio sta­tion host has “mutu­al­ly agreed to part ways” with her employ­er after she accept­ed prewrit­ten ques­tions from Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign, accord­ing to WURD Pres­i­dent Sara Lomax.
Host Andrea Lawful-Sanders’s actions stirred con­tro­ver­sy as Biden faces accu­sa­tions across the polit­i­cal spec­trum of age-relat­ed prob­lems and the White House has sought to cov­er it up with advanced plan­ning and restrict­ed inter­views. The inter­view was Biden’s first fol­low­ing the debate on June 27.
“The inter­view fea­tured pre-deter­mined ques­tions pro­vid­ed by the White House, which vio­lates our prac­tice of remain­ing an inde­pen­dent media out­let account­able to our lis­ten­ers,” Lomax said in a state­ment. “As a result, Ms. Law­ful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutu­al­ly agreed to part ways, effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly.”
In a Face­book post cap­tioned, “The time has come for me to move on…,” Law­ful-Sanders said she ten­dered her res­ig­na­tion on Sat­ur­day. “It was accept­ed,” she said of her res­ig­na­tion. “I most sin­cere­ly want­ed to …