House Demo­c­rat slams col­leagues for ‘self-destruc­tive’ pan­ic over Biden

House Democrat slams colleagues for ‘self-destructive’ panic over Biden

Rep. Ritchie Tor­res (D‑NY) is warn­ing his House col­leagues against open­ly cast­ing doubt on the strength of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s reelec­tion bid, call­ing it “deeply self-destruc­tive” if he ends up remain­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee.
Tor­res, who rep­re­sents the New York bor­ough of the Bronx, issued the reproach on Mon­day as some of his fel­low Democ­rats speak out pub­licly and anony­mous­ly to the media in the after­math of Biden’s dis­as­trous debate.
“Regard­less of where one stands on the ques­tion of Pres­i­dent Biden’s polit­i­cal future, the intra-par­ty mixed mes­sag­ing strikes me as deeply self-destruc­tive,” Tor­res said in a state­ment, released just as law­mak­ers return from the July 4th recess. “Those pub­licly call­ing on Pres­i­dent Biden …