Sen­a­tors reveal bipar­ti­san bill to ban law­mak­ers from stock trad­ing

Senators reveal bipartisan bill to ban lawmakers from stock trading

A bipar­ti­san group of sen­a­tors on Wednes­day unveiled a plan to block mem­bers of Con­gress and the pres­i­dent from trad­ing stock while in office.
The leg­is­la­tion would make it a penal­ty for rep­re­sen­ta­tives, sen­a­tors, the pres­i­dent, and the vice pres­i­dent, as well as their spous­es, chil­dren, and depen­dents, from engag­ing in such invest­ments. The pro­posed bill comes amid bipar­ti­san calls for the prac­tice to be stopped, giv­en accu­sa­tions that elect­ed offi­cials might be using priv­i­leged knowl­edge to make prof­itable trades.
The invest­ments that the peo­ple cov­ered in the bill would be banned from trad­ing include secu­ri­ties, com­modi­ties, futures, options, trusts, and oth­er com­pa­ra­ble hold­ings. Sens. Gary Peters (D‑MI), Jeff Merkley (D‑OR), Josh Haw­ley (R‑MO), and Jon Ossoff (D‑GA) are behind the plan.
“Amer­i­cans deserve to have con­fi­dence that their fed­er­al elect­ed offi­cials a …