What would we do without Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg? They’re the two—unintentionally—funniest celebrities in the country!
Joy’s outdone herself this week with two sweeping, history-making pronouncements:
First, she wants you to know that if Kamala Harris’ laugh gets on your nerves, it’s because you’re racist (of course) but also sexist. Why? Well, it’s obvious: If you don’t like a woman’s laugh it’s because you’re secretly afraid a woman will laugh at your gentleman sausage in the bedroom.
That’s right: Your fragile little male ego makes everything about your twig and berries.
After that, Behar got really mad at Donald Trump. How mad was she? So mad she said the Washington Monument looks like a penis.
Behar, who met her husband at a nudist colony, sure is obsessed with with mens’ farm parts. Last year she accused Sunny Hostin, a cohost on The View, of wearing a dress that looked like a schlong.
It’s kind of like that old saying: If the only tool you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails. And if you’re Jo Behar and the only tool you have is a vagina, all your problems look like penises.
Behar’s the same age as Biden–81–but I sure hope she can keep doing her job longer than Biden did. We need her to remind us how foolish it is to take yourself too seriously.