Joy Behar: The Gift That Keeps On Giv­ing

Joy Behar: The Gift That Keeps On Giv­ing

What would we do with­out Joy Behar and Whoopi Gold­berg? They’re the two—unintentionally—funniest celebri­ties in the coun­try!

Joy’s out­done her­self this week with two sweep­ing, his­to­ry-mak­ing pro­nounce­ments:

First, she wants you to know that if Kamala Har­ris’ laugh gets on your nerves, it’s because you’re racist (of course) but also sex­ist. Why? Well, it’s obvi­ous: If you don’t like a wom­an’s laugh it’s because you’re secret­ly afraid a woman will laugh at your gen­tle­man sausage in the bed­room.

That’s right: Your frag­ile lit­tle male ego makes every­thing about your twig and berries.

After that, Behar got real­ly mad at Don­ald Trump. How mad was she? So mad she said the Wash­ing­ton Mon­u­ment looks like a penis.

Behar, who met her hus­band at a nud­ist colony, sure is obsessed with with mens’ farm parts. Last year she accused Sun­ny Hostin, a cohost on The View, of wear­ing a dress that looked like a sch­long.

It’s kind of like that old say­ing: If the only tool you have is a ham­mer, all your prob­lems look like nails. And if you’re Jo Behar and the only tool you have is a vagi­na, all your prob­lems look like penis­es.

Behar’s the same age as Biden–81–but I sure hope she can keep doing her job longer than Biden did. We need her to remind us how fool­ish it is to take your­self too seri­ous­ly.