Amber Rose slams Left’s ‘lies’: ‘Real­ize the truth. Amer­i­can fam­i­lies were bet­ter when Don­ald Trump was pres­i­dent’

Amber Rose slams Left’s ‘lies’: ‘Realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was president’

Celebri­ty mod­el and rap­per Amber Rose tout­ed a hope­ful out­look when think­ing about for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump return­ing to the White House, call­ing on vot­ers to “cut through the lies” of the Left.
Rose spoke on the first night of the Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Mil­wau­kee, admit­ting that she was once against Trump.
“I’m here tonight to tell you, no mat­ter your polit­i­cal back­ground, that the best chance we have to give our babies a bet­ter life is to elect Don­ald Trump pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States,” Rose said to a cheer­ing crowd.

“I believed the left-wing pro­pa­gan­da that Don­ald Trump was a racist. My father said, ‘No he‘s not, Amber. What are you talk­ing about?’ When I insist­ed, he said, ‘Prove it.’ To prove my father wrong, I did my research and looked into all things Don­ald Trump,” …