Poll: Vot­ers want afford­able prod­ucts, but wary of for­eign trade prac­tices

Poll: Voters want affordable products, but wary of foreign trade practices

(The Cen­ter Square) – Amer­i­can vot­ers want the eco­nom­ic ben­e­fits of for­eign trade but also sup­port more restric­tions on and bet­ter scruti­ny of bad actors, accord­ing to the results of a new poll.
The Cen­ter Square Vot­ers’ Voice Poll asked vot­ers five ques­tions about trade pol­i­cy, includ­ing whether the U.S. should allow com­pa­nies vio­lat­ing safe­ty stan­dards or work­er rights to sell their prod­ucts to Amer­i­cans.
The poll was con­duct­ed in con­junc­tion with Noble Pre­dic­tive Insights from July 8–11. It sur­veyed …