Wall Street crit­ic Shel­don White­house scoops up Gold­man Sachs shares

Wall Street critic Sheldon Whitehouse scoops up Goldman Sachs shares

Sen. Shel­don White­house (D‑RI), a fre­quent crit­ic of Wall Street, recent­ly pur­chased thou­sands of dol­lars in shares of Wall Street titan Gold­man Sachs, records show.
White­house pur­chased up to $15,000 worth of shares in the invest­ment bank­ing com­pa­ny Gold­man Sachs in late June, accord­ing to a finan­cial dis­clo­sure report he sub­mit­ted to the Sen­ate this week. The stock buy comes on the heels of White­house inform­ing the upper cham­ber in his annu­al report last year that his wife, San­dra White­house, owns shares in Gold­man Sachs, while the sen­a­tor him­self dis­closed hav­ing as much as $250,000 in shares and also Gold­man Sachs mutu­al funds.
Whitehouse’s invest­ment comes as the chair­man of the Sen­ate Bud­get Com­mit­tee has long posi­tioned him­self as one of the loud­est voic­es in the Sen­ate crit­i­ciz­ing Wall Street. He’s called to rein in inter­est rates for cred­it cards to “pro­tect cit­i­zens from Wall Street greed” and accused Wall Street of uneth­i­cal­ly prof­it­ing from “Big Oil” alleged­ly engag­ing in price goug­ing.
White­house held a …