Spokane Coun­ty afford­able hous­ing prov­ing unaf­ford­able for providers

Spokane County affordable housing proving unaffordable for providers

(The Cen­ter Square) – With providers unable to pay their bills under cur­rent insur­ance rates and increased costs, Spokane Coun­ty is con­sid­er­ing for­giv­ing almost $2.3 mil­lion in afford­able hous­ing debts. 
The Spokane Coun­ty Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers dis­cussed writ­ing off the unpaid debt and reduc­ing the inter­est rates on oth­er loans to 0% dur­ing Tuesday’s brief­ing ses­sion. How­ev­er, the coun­ty is also con­sid­er­ing whether to allow the providers to con­tin­ue despite the lack the pay­ments. 
“This phe­nom­e­non is being observed na …