Natal­ie Portman’s lat­est project is a crime psy­chodra­ma com­bin­ing cringe and cliché

Natalie Portman’s latest project is a crime psychodrama combining cringe and cliché

The road is as famil­iar as it is well trav­eled. An ingénue enchants us all with her puck­ish charm. Half a decade lat­er, she strikes it rich with a Marvel/Star Wars project or three. Per­haps the occa­sion­al award bait falls into her lap, but, time being what it is, every offer soon begins to look entic­ing. One minute she’s accept­ing an Oscar for head­lin­ing a Dar­ren Aronof­sky mas­ter­piece. The next she’s mar­ried to Mur­ray from Stranger Things in a tedious racism-of-the-week minis­eries. 
Such is the career arc of Natal­ie Po …