Both can­di­dates claim vic­to­ry in Venezuela pres­i­den­tial elec­tion

Both candidates claim victory in Venezuela presidential election

In a hot­ly con­test­ed and con­tro­ver­sial pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in Venezuela on Sun­day night, both the incum­bent, Venezuela Pres­i­dent Nicolás Maduro, and the oppo­si­tion nom­i­nee, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Uni­tary Plat­form can­di­date, Edmun­do González Urru­tia declared vic­to­ry.
Venezuela’s Nation­al Elec­toral Coun­cil declared Maduro the win­ner on Sun­day night, claim­ing he won more than 51% of the vote, accord­ing to mul­ti­ple reports. How­ev­er, numer­ous exit polls revealed that Urru­tia should have won. The elec­tion received sig­nif­i­cant atten­tion and scruti­ny as the world’s lead­ers watched the South Amer­i­can nation’s elec­tion with great inter­est.
Pre­vi­ous com­mu­niques from the State Depart­ment labeled Maduro a cor­rupt dic­ta­tor of an ille­git­i­mate regime in Venezuela. Many lead­ers expressed skep­ti­cism over Maduro’s vic­to­ry, CNN report­ed, con­cerned that it was a rigged elec …