Four ways Democ­rats have demand­ed Biden reshape the Supreme Court

Four ways Democrats have demanded Biden reshape the Supreme Court

Democ­rats have been increas­ing­ly crit­i­cal of the Supreme Court under its Repub­li­can-appoint­ed major­i­ty, call­ing for sig­nif­i­cant reforms to the high court.
Pres­i­dent Joe Biden heed­ed calls from Democ­rats and pro­posed reforms to the Supreme Court on Mon­day, although they appear high­ly unlike­ly to suc­ceed. Biden’s pro­pos­als are all ver­sions of things Democ­rats have been agi­tat­ing for in recent years, though he shied away from some of the most extreme requests.
Here are four of the ways Democ­rats have want­ed Biden to reform the Supreme Court, in reac­tion to a bevy of deci­sions the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty dis­agrees with.
Term lim­its
One of the pro­pos­als Biden sug­gest­ed on Mon­day was term lim­its of 18 years for each jus­tice. Under the cur­rent guide­lines, Supreme Court jus­tices are giv­en life­time terms.
Biden argued in an opin­ion piece for the Washin …