Illi­nois dri­vers have ways to save as fuel tax­es sky­rock­et

Illinois drivers have ways to save as fuel taxes skyrocket

(The Cen­ter Square) – High gas tax­es make sav­ing mon­ey more chal­leng­ing for dri­vers in the Land of Lin­coln.
Illi­nois con­sumers are taxed 47 cents per gal­lon since the state’s motor fuel tax increased 3.5% on July 1. This is 147% more than dri­vers were taxed in 2017, when the tax was 19 cents per gal­lon.
The tax on diesel is now 54.5 cents per gal­lon.
Accord­ing to Wal­letHub ana­lyst Cas­san­dra Happe, gas tax­es just add frus­tra­tion for most cit­i­zens.
“A lot of peo­ple who are dri­ving on a reg­u­lar basis are doing …