Lib­er­al Media Scream: CNN spins Biden as mar­tyr for stop­ping Trump

Liberal Media Scream: CNN spins Biden as martyr for stopping Trump

This week’s Lib­er­al Media Scream fea­tures the lat­est spin from CNN that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s deci­sion to drop out of his reelec­tion race guar­an­tees the end of Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump too.
Fareed Zakaria offered this Sun­day on his “My Take” com­men­tary:
“The final lega­cy of Biden is that he has returned the pres­i­den­cy to an office of san­i­ty, decen­cy, and dig­ni­ty, ush­er­ing out the dan­ger­ous dem­a­goguery and anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic rhetoric and behav­ior that pre­ced­ed him. But for that lega­cy to endure, and for Biden’s term not to sim­ply be a moment in time, he need­ed to ensure that the Unit­ed States actu­al­ly clos­es the chap­ter on Don­ald Trump.”
Per­spec­tive didn’t mat­ter. In fact, Biden’s “friends” pushed him out because of his poor polling, and while Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris has seen a jump in inter­est in her, she i …