Vir­ginia reach­es anoth­er mile­stone in access­ing fed­er­al broad­band fund­ing

Virginia reaches another milestone in accessing federal broadband funding

(The Cen­ter Square) — A lit­tle over a year after it was announced that Vir­ginia would receive $1.4 bil­lion in fed­er­al fund­ing for broad­band deploy­ment across the state, the com­mon­wealth is one step clos­er to access­ing those funds.
The Vir­ginia Ini­tial Pro­pos­al Vol­ume 2, a 57-page doc­u­ment answer­ing ques­tions about how the state will achieve near-uni­ver­sal inter­net access – the goal of the Broad­band Equi­ty, Access and Deploy­ment pro­gram, the pro­gram sup­ply­ing the fund­ing – has been appro …