Reg­u­la­tions cost fam­i­lies $15,000, Biden-Har­ris swamp plans more

Regulations cost families ,000, Biden-Harris swamp plans more

Reg­u­la­tions imposed by fed­er­al agen­cies under the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion cost house­holds at least $15,000 a year and the nation $2.1 tril­lion, a “swamp” tax that is more than fam­i­lies spend on food, cloth­ing, and edu­ca­tion, accord­ing to a new report.
As bad as those costs seem, they are like­ly much high­er because the admin­is­tra­tion changed trans­paren­cy rules after com­ing into office, hid­ing the impact of some reg­u­la­tions, accord­ing to the Com­pet­i­tive Enter­prise Institute’s annu­al report on the fed­er­al reg­u­la­to­ry state, Ten Thou­sand Com­mand­ments.
“Biden’s pur­suit of var­i­ous whole-of-gov­ern­ment ini­tia­tives and trans­for­ma­tion of OMB into a cheer­leader for, rather than a watch­dog over, reg­u­la­tion, I think he can great­ly con­tribute to house­hold costs far worse than what we imag­ine,” said the author of the report, CEI reg­u­la­tions expert Clyde Wayne Crews.
His report is eager­ly antic­i­pat­ed by sup­port­ers of cut­ting red tap …