Hamadeh lead­ing Mas­ters in race to suc­ceed Lasko in con­gres­sion­al GOP pri­ma­ry

Hamadeh leading Masters in race to succeed Lasko in congressional GOP primary

(The Cen­ter Square) – Abe Hamadeh, one of two Repub­li­can can­di­dates endorsed by for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, had a nar­row lead in Arizona’s con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict 8 Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry late Tues­day night.
If Hamadeh’s lead holds, his win would come only a few months after the Ari­zona Appeals court reject­ed his chal­lenge to his loss in the 2022 race for attor­ney gen­er­al against Demo­c­rat Kris Mayes. Hamadeh was also endorsed by the U.S. Sen­ate GOP pri­ma­ry win­ner Kari Lake, …