As A Pros­e­cu­tor, Kamala Har­ris Refused To Seek The Death Penal­ty For A Gang Mem­ber Who Mur­dered A Cop

When Kamala Har­ris was run­ning to be San Francisco’s dis­trict attor­ney, she said she would nev­er pur­sue the death penal­ty.
But then a case came before her that was so deserv­ing, that her com­mit­ment to her cam­paign promise blind­sided a griev­ing fam­i­ly and even gained con­dem­na­tion from for­mer promi­nent Demo­c­rat Sen­a­tor Dianne Fein­stein.
On April 10, 2004, San Fran­cis­co police offi­cer Isaac Espinoza, 29, was called to work over­time on the Sat­ur­day before East­er Sun­day. Espinoza, a plain­clothes offi …