Gas prices: A decrease at the pumps to start August

Gas prices: A decrease at the pumps to start August

Gas prices decreased again on Thurs­day, begin­ning the month of August slight­ly cheap­er than at the begin­ning of July.
The aver­age price for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas in the coun­try was $3.483 on the first of the month, accord­ing to AAA. This was a slight decrease from Wednes­day, the last day in July. It is also a slight decrease from exact­ly a month ago when the aver­age price for a gal­lon of reg­u­lar gas was $3.491. 
Gas prices remain an impor­tant issue head­ing into the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. With Pres­i­dent Joe Biden decid­ing not to seek reelec­tion, Vice Pres­i­den …