Moth­er Of Amer­i­can Impris­oned In Rus­sia Slams Biden Admin­is­tra­tion For Not Free­ing Son And Nev­er Call­ing Her

Maphine Fogel, whose son has been in a Russ­ian prison for three years, said it was “gut-wrench­ing” to see that her son was not includ­ed in Thursday’s pris­on­er exchange, to say noth­ing of not receiv­ing a call from the Biden admin­is­tra­tion 
“The exchange yes­ter­day was real­ly gut wrench­ing,” Fogel told The Dai­ly Wire. “When there were that many pris­on­ers being exchanged, I thought he would sure­ly be one of them… It’s just not a good feel­ing at all.”

Mal­phine Fogel, who …