MSNBC Fear­mon­gers That Elec­tion Is ‘Life Or Death Choice’ For Women

MSNBC’s tra­di­tion of rolling out self-iden­ti­fied Repub­li­cans to repeat the kook­i­est Demo­c­ra­t­ic talk­ing points con­tin­ued on Fri­day as for­mer GOP com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor Tara Set­may­er joined Ana Cabr­era Reports to claim “women vot­ers are look­ing at this elec­tion as a life or death choice.”
Against the back­drop of recent com­ments from Don­ald Trump about Kamala Harris’s race, Cabr­era won­dered, “Do you think a debate is more or less like­ly after all of this?”

Set­may­er claimed a debate will hap­pen because Trump’s ego demands it, an …