News­Busters Pod­cast: Drag­ging Kamala to Vic­to­ry with Com­e­dy, Pop Stars

NewsBusters Podcast: Dragging Kamala to Victory with Comedy, Pop Stars

They ditched the eighty-some­thing Pres­i­dent. Now they’re obsess­ing over the cool­ness of a younger pres­i­dent? Kamala Har­ris will be 60 in Octo­ber. It’s now time for the pro­mo­tion­al pro­gres­sive press to lean into how cool Kamala is, that she’s being endorsed by 21-year-old pop stars and will be the cool can­di­date on Sat­ur­day Night Live this fall.
Sev­er­al net­works gushed over Maya Rudolph play­ing (not mock­ing) Har­ris on SNL. CNN’s Dana Bash said she was ‘very, very, excit­ed.’ Her col­league Abby Phillip said Rudolph was com­ing back “because we need it.” That implies Kamala must be affirmed. SNL is the MSNBC of polit­i­cal satire. 
MSNBC host Ari Mel­ber insist­ed that the come­di­ans were cru­cial, that impress­ing young vot­ers with the pop-cul­ture cool vibes could put sev­er­al states “in play.” Come­di­an Roy Wood told Phillip on CNN that SNL “dur­ing an elec­tion year should be required read­ing …