WA school lead­ers make case for more spend­ing despite court-ordered fund­ing bumps

WA school leaders make case for more spending despite court-ordered funding bumps

(The Cen­ter Square) – The Wash­ing­ton Asso­ci­a­tion of School Admin­is­tra­tors launched a new web­site last month that makes the case for increased state spend­ing on K‑12 edu­ca­tion, even as the state’s pub­lic schools now spend $19,000 on aver­age statewide for the edu­ca­tion of each stu­dent, a dra­mat­ic rise over the pre-McCleary lev­el of $10,000 per stu­dent. 
The state Supreme Court’s Jan­u­ary 2012 McCleary deci­sion ordered the state to ful­ly fund K‑12 pub­lic schools as required by Arti­cle IX of the Wash­ing­ton State Con­sti­tu­tion.
Accord­ing to the new web­site, waschoolfunding.org, Was …