CNN’s Kait­lan Collins Found Vance’s Demo­c­rat Ex-Room­mate to Trash Him as ‘Dark’ & ‘Creepy’

<div>CNN's Kaitlan Collins Found Vance's Democrat Ex-Roommate to Trash Him as 'Dark' & 'Creepy'</div>

On Tues­day’s The Source, CNN host Kait­lan Collins con­tin­ued the medi­a’s hyp­ing of J.D. Vance’s “child­less cat ladies” com­ments by bring­ing on the GOP vice pres­i­den­tial can­di­date’s for­mer room­mate at Yale who is now a Demo­c­rat state leg­is­la­tor to trash him as com­ing from a “dark” and “creepy” place. This is the dan­ger of a Repub­li­can going to Yale — most of your room­mates are going to be left­ists.
The CNN host intro­duced a clip of Vance from an inter­view on The Chris Buskirk Show a few years ago in which he argued that becom­ing a par­ent improves one’s char­ac­ter, and that peo­ple who are “socio­path­ic” are more like­ly to be with­out chil­dren, not that all child­less peo­ple are socio­path­ic. Set­ting up the seg­ment, the clip of Vance was played:

There’s just these basic cadences of life that I think are very po …